If you have any questions or concerns about our online or in-store policies, please let us know.


Website Map
The website map is a listing of all the pages contained in the ShopComputers4Less.com website
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Site Features
  • The Recycle Bin

This is where you can find bargains on clearance items. Some of these products are brand new, unopened items. Others are "pulls" from working computer systems.   "Pulls" have been thoroughly test by our technicians and are guaranteed to work.  Products purchased from the Recycle Bin carry a DOA warranty and no-charge 30-day email/online technical support. 

Digital Coupons allow you to save even more. Sign up for a Digital Coupon before ordering an item or visiting our store.  Your total invoice amount will reflect the savings presented in the Digital Coupon.  Digital Coupons are updated regularly and you must sign up for each one on order to receive the savings offered.